veggie prices goes way up!

goodness gracious me! i was shocked to see the star’s headline yesterday that prices of veggie have shot up more than 100%. topping the list is red chillies, which happens to be my favourite! from RM4 per kg, jumped to RM11 per kg! in one market in the klang valley, they sold it at a sky-high price of RM20 per kg!! imagine that! gosh! does this mean no more sprnkling of sambal belacan on my rice during my home dinner?

the veggie farmers blame the increase of price on the rain.

somewhere i heard too that prices of oranges will be going up.

now now, why is it that each time near chinese new year, prices of edible stuffs seems to increase and increase like nobody’s business.

how come there is no government control over the prices? i thought there should be, especially when festive seasons like hari raya and chinese new year approach. weren’t they (gomen) regulating prices of food-stuffs during hari raya? and why not now?

usually near festive seasons, we’ll hear of price increase, not only of food-stuffs but also things like hair perming and express bus ticket. the goverment ought to step in to control the increase of prices. no doubt, understandable, because of the wet season and low supply and all that, the farmers have to increase the price, but don’t you think increasing them by more than 100% is too much?
(picture taken from mecron books.)

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