political meme

bob had tagged me to do this political quiz. i hate tags… and i hate poltics… er… then why do i like to blog on politics? just doesn’t figure eh. yes, i hate tags/meme but i like my friends, so if friends tagged me, i’ll gladly oblige.

i probably hate this because it is too deep for me to understand. the left, the right, the conservative, the republican, the liberal, the democrat, and so on… what does all these means? i have no idea! anyway, this is the result of my test:

You are a
Social Liberal
(63% permissive)

and an…
Economic Liberal
(31% permissive)

You are best described as a:


You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.


so is this true of me? beats me! i have no clue at all! perhaps wits0 can tell.

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