malaysia police ‘brutal, corrupt’

i guess many of you already had heard of the preliminary report from the royal commission on the police force which suggest that there is corruption in the police force at every levels.

hmph! as if we don’t know that eh?? we don’t need the commission to tell us that. already any sane public will tell you the most corrupt are the police. in fact i had once blog on the royal commission doing a survey and found out corruption is the main complaint… especially among the police force.

well, in view of the report, pak lah, our PM had called on the commission to look into the policemen’s role in enforcing law.

btw, this news was picked up by foreign news agency too like on BBC, with the headline malaysia police, ‘brutal, corrupt’. and from there, it was posted to the popular rantburg blog. you just got to go read it there for the witty sarcastic comments (though only one liner but witty, straight to the point and hit the mark!). thanks to wits0 for the pointer.

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