UMNO endorsed corruption

yippy! umno’s telling the world it support corruption! the win of BN’s isa with a huge majority says it all.

this is how malaysia deal with corruption.

a tainted person can be fielded as a candidate for election. a tainted person found guilty of corruption can stand as a candidate in a by-election and WIN! so true, what ku li said that if isa from umno, BN win, it means umno support corruption.

remember the previous by-election? permatang pasir. the candidate chosen was a tainted lawyer and now for bagan pinang, umno choose isa. what is umno telling u? what is umno telling the world?


(please click on ‘read the rest of this entry’ to see pictures of umno thugs in action and the police doing nothing – taken from imran’s facebook, with his quotes)


Check out the UMNO ‘hero’ in glasses… this photo was taken in Bagan Pinang yesterday at 6.30pm…now in all these photo’s…take a GOOD LOOK at what the POLICE is doing???


As usual, they like to PROVOKE other’s with stupid words, showing of their STUPID behavior as uncivilized stupid pricks… THIS is REAL UMNO for you…


and just as things are about to HEAT UP and get even worst…WHERE did the POLICE go???
Good job I must say our local Law Enforcement is doing turning a ‘blind eye’…or in this way…turning away TOTALLY from the entire incident…so it’s probably OKAY for an UMNO supporter to hurt or attack other’s, but it’s WRONG for anyone to even defend themselves against them or even TOUCH their leaders whom are their GODS in this country…

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