money money money

Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man’s world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man’s world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It’s a rich man’s world

see the full song here

that’s the chours of abba’s song ‘money, money, money’, which is suitable for me as it echo my sentiments. it’s a rich man’s world indeed. pity is me a poor lady who live in a rich man’s world. ahhh…. just think of all the things i would do if i have a lot of money.
*building castles in the air*

‘money is the root of all evil’ is one of the most misquoted cliche. money is so useful, what everybody wants, how can it be the root of all evil? a person would be out of his mind to say money is the root of all evil. therefore, someone who think he is very sane, corrected the cliche and said ‘the love of money is the root of all evil’. excuse me… the love of money is the root of all evil? tsk, tsk, you don’t love money? i do and i’m sure most people do too, right? so how do people get into their so-called sane mind that the love of money is the root of all evil.

perhaps from the bible (at least for the christians). many people believe the cliche ‘money is the root of all evil’ comes from the bible, whereas it is actually ‘the love of money is the root of all evil’ (‘greed’ also can be used in place of ‘love’) that comes from the bible, but hold on… there’s a twist to this (since we already established ‘the love of money…..’ is also wrong). let’s look at the bible, the letter of st paul to timothy chapter 6, verse 10, it says:
“for the love of money (and all it buys) placed before the love of god (in reality) is the root of all kinds of evil.”

see? it mentioned the love of money all right, but notice that the meaning is actually the love of money shouldn’t take precedance over the love of god. that was what the bible is trying to say. if you love money more than god, than money becomes evil in your hands… oops!… i mean you become evil with money in your hands. of course i can’t say the same thing in regards to this for athesist. they don’t believe in god. perhaps to them, money is their god. hehe.

some people might argue that it is true that the love/greed of money is the root of all evil, because if you look at the robbers and snatch thieves, why do they rob, if not for money. they love money too much that they resort to doing evil or sinful things like robbery. yeah the love of money drove them to do evil things, but hey i love money too! i mentioned not too long ago how good if i become a snatch thief so that i can earn RM10,000 a month, remember? why then didn’t i spend time snatching your wife’s or your mistress’s handbag instead of spending time blogging nonsense here? of course you and i know the reason why so i don’t have to get long-winded blah blah on it.

to add another twist to this money and evil thingy, a quote from george bernard shaw says “lack of money is the root of all evil”.

so what do you think? is it money? love of money? lack of money? oh and some may argue that it is not only money that causes evil but other stuffs like power-hungry, lust, kiasu (?), selfishness, etc. sure, sure, that’s for sure… one can go on arguing/debating until the cows come home and there’s really no right or wrong answers but just opinion. oh, i spy the cow coming, so i had better stop my long yakkity yak now.

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