corruption index swinging

well well, it looks like the king is into it too… calling for the fight of corruption i mean. (which we had heard so much from pak lah) during the investiture ceremony on the occasion of his official birthday on 5 june.

it seemed that he was confident the government would fight corruption irrespective of the person’s rank or position or whether the case was high profile or low profile.

yakah? should we be confident? remember when eric chia was hauled up for corruption? many said he was the first big fish. but many also said they want the fishes from the government, or even the cabinet… you know, sharks and piranhas included. haha. well those would really be the big fishes. many had named names like samy velu (something to do with maika holdings), rafidah (something to do with her son-in-law) and ling liong sik (something to do with his son) but of course there were no action on them. oh wait a minute, there is… but the kind of action that we don’t expect. it seems that rafidah had been cleared of corruption charges, so said the ACA. then what do you know… on occasion of the king’s birthday, ling liong sik was conferred the title ‘tun’, which made opposition leader, lim kit siang question the conferment since he said corruption charges against him had not been cleared yet.

well, so does that mean now there is no point for us now to grumble that these 2 fishes (rafidah and ling) ought to be haul up for corruption practises.

in the meantime, pak lah at his interview with CNN’s lorraine hahn, said that he won’t be satisfied until malaysia’s corruption index has improved by leaps and bounds.

at the moment, according to the transparency international’s (TI) corruption perceptions index for 2003, malaysia’s score of 5.2 ranked the country at 37th out of 133 countries and fifth among asian countries, after singapore, hong kong, japan and taiwan.

TI’s president, tunku abdul aziz tunku ibrahim said that malaysia had been “hovering” around the same level since the ranking was introduced.

so do you think now with pak lah at the helm, the corruption index will not hovering and swinging but keep going down and down?

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