bumped out!
i visited zorro’s blog everyday. yesterday when i want there, i was surprised to read about this.
so they are organising bum2008.
if any of you remember, i was one of the committee members in bum2007 (bloggers united malaysia). at the end of our gathering we did mentioned something about having this as yearly affair, which means there might be bum2008. i remember in one of my email to the committee members (just after the gathering ended) i had mentioned something like this "someone in the bum2007 blog mentioned about organising it again next year. any takers?" but there was no response at all. so i leave it as it was. nothing. no news. fine.
suddenly yesterday i found out a committee had already been formed for bum2008 weeks ago… and i realised that the two ‘head honco’ of bum2007 were in the committee (as expected) AND also mob1900. gee… i should have learned how to do computer graphic work… then they will surely retain me as a committee member. or do i merely have to be a ‘yes-man’… er… ‘yes-woman’?
no, i’m not complaining that i was not invited to be in the committee. i am just a little hurt that i was not informed of a planned bum2008 coming up. not that they have the obligation to do so but it’s just a matter of courtesy, comradeship. someone who is very nice, kind, polite, understanding, pleasant, would have either asked me if i still want to be in the committee OR not necessary so, but informed not only me BUT the rest of the ex committee members of bum07, of the bum08 gathering coming up and they are calling for new people in the committee.
oh bummer! guess i should know when i’m not wanted… and had been gracefully bumped out! malaysian bloggers are also like malaysian politicians it seems. if you are not buddy-buddy (or yes-men) with each other, no place for you! another similiarity i note is that say umno man 1 and umno man 2 are good friends, when umno 1 suddenly become friendly with PKR man 1, umno 2 suddenly decided not to befriend umno 1. remember when umno zaid ibrahim spoke out and he was thrown out or sometthing? also that gerakan (or MIC) guy not sure who devamany or karthi… something… when he dare to speak out or dare to go against the leaders, he was either kicked out or reprimanded. same thing happen to bloggers.
oh well, despite some setbacks here and there in our bum2007 committee, i did enjoyed myself at the bum2007 gathering, thus i am wishing the bum2008 committee all the best in the organising and sincerely wish that bum2008 would be as much a success, if not BETTER than bum2007. (i’m sure it would, with the same ‘kepala’ and same venue!). i won’t know as i won’t be there. 1st of may date is always reserved for our society of st vincent de paul (diocesan level – which means northern area) AGM plus formation, of which i’m the secretary so i can’t run away from it.
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